Thursday, April 5, 2012

A chip off the old (crafty) block..

Hello all!
Have you wondered where I've been? I've missed you all!

Gosh, the last few weeks have been hectic - not that I have much to show for it, but there just seems to have been 'stuff' - you know..

Anyway, I was visiting my mother a few weeks ago, and took some photos while I was there.  I've been trying to get around to writing this post ever since.

Let me introduce you to my mother.


What I would like to ask is - do you think that the desire/passion/addiction/obsession to craft is a genetic thing? 
Like, some of us have the 'gene' and others don't?

I think it must be the case.

I got it.  One of my sisters got it.  Two of them didn't.  My mother definitely has it.

My best friend certainly does NOT have it.  (she does, however, have lots of other wonderful qualities, and it's probably good that only one of us is up to our eyeballs in creative havoc)

So, my mother passed down the gene to me.

This is mum was working on while I was visiting. A crochet blanket.

I am really trying to convince her that it would look so much better at my house. ;)

This is the progress so far.

The colours look so vintagey.  I adore the old-fashionesness of it.

Ever since I can remember, my mum has been working away on something.

Years ago she used to knit the most brilliant Aran jumpers (sweaters, to some of you).  You know, like the big, thick fisherman's jumpers with all the fancy cable work.  In fact, the more intricate, the more she liked it.

Just like to point out, that I didn't get the knitting gene.

She could knit one of those in a couple of days.  I am in awe of that.

And when it comes to crochet, she blows me out of the water.  Well and truly.

Some of mum's crochet bits and pieces.

She has made the most beautiful patchwork quilts and cushions, made shadow applique curtains, tatted, did a course in machine knitting (which was an absolute obsession for some years) amongst numerous other things, but knitting and crochet have always been the big ones.

I didn't manage to get photos of the quilts this time.

Sorry. Maybe next time.

And this was mum's attempt at tatting.  I don't think she did much else with it - I think she just wanted to give it a try.  I haven't  tried it, but it sure looks like it needs a lot of patience.

Picture isn't too good - you don't get to see the proper detail unfortunately. 

So how about you?

Did you inherit the 'craft gene'?

Oh, and I did get a photo of this while I was there.
This is one of my own paintings, of a street in Tuscany.  It was one of the few paintings I did that I actually had hanging on my own wall.

But, mum loved it and I ended up giving it to her for her birthday some years ago.

(Do you think that could earn me the brownie points to get the crochet blanket?)

Anyways, sorry to have left you for so long.




  1. I think that crafting is definitely in the genes, but that it takes some time to develop. My grandmother did needlepoint, my mother crocheted and did cross-stitch, and of course, I now crochet, too. But when my Grannie tried to teach me to crochet when I was 9 or 10, I had absolutely no interest in learning, and neither has my daughter. I'm hoping she'll want to learn sooner or later because I think it's a nice thing to have in one's family.

    By the by, I nominated you for a blog award.

    <3 ~ The "Other" Fi

  2. Fi, I have missed you, but how wonderful that you have been spending time with your mother and that she loves doing crafty things as well. Isn't it fun to sit and chat with someone who shares similar interests and doesn't get bored stiff with the chatter of yarn and such. She is a treasure and her doilies are beautiful as well as the pretty blanket she is working on. That tatting, is a lost art. If there is any way that she can teach it to you then learn it. Years ago I took care of an elderly woman who was near blind and tried to teach me to tat, but there wasn't enough time because she was not well and passed away a few weeks later. I recall her handing me one of her delicate tatted doilies that I admired and insisting I keep it. I didn't want to hurt her feelings and took it home and mailed it to her daughter, explaining that as a nurse I could not accept this and it was best to make sure it remained in their family. They thanked me for sending it to them. About three weeks after her funeral I received a card in the mail and enclosed was the doily. The note inside said that they had all discussed this and decided that their mother would never have given it to me in the first place had she not wanted me to have it. They appreciated all the good care and time I spent with their mom and they wanted me to have this gift. I was surprised. I have the doily hanging over a wall rack in my home. I am afraid to launder it for fear it will damage it. There is a tiny spot where the thread is ripped a bit. It is so old and delicate, but a treasure and I will never forget that sweet little old woman or her daughters. Your mother did a beautiful job on her doily. I hope she gives it to you to cherish.
    I have had the bug for yarn and needlework ever since I was a young teenager. I don't believe in idleness and it keeps me out of trouble. It is right up there with all those "feel good" moments when you can point something out and say, "I made that!"
    (((HUGS))) Susanne :)

  3. I am a 100% convinced that it is something that is passed along... my grandmother's mom, my grandmother, my mother.... I always saw knitting and crocheting somewhere in the room.... so yes it's a gene thing.. lovely work!!!

  4. I did inherit the craft gene's unavoidable!

  5. As a matter of fact, I was getting ready to tell you to post SOMETHING!!! Let us know you're ok! I do belive there is something passed along genetically. My Mom crochets, but she says I get 'it' from her Mother. I vaguely remember her Mother as she passed when I was only five. As for that'd look better in MY HOUSE!

    Cindy Bee

  6. Oh yes the craft thing is DEFINITELY genetic!! Both my mom and my maternal grandmother are crafters of note and I'm just glad I got the gene and not my brother!!! Although he is pretty good with a hammer and nails so maybe he got the 'macho' version!! lol xxx

  7. Your mother is very crafty !!! I love you painting too. It is very beautiful.
    I can imagine you want the crochet blanket. It looks wonderful, such nice colours.
    I inherited the craft gene from my mom and my nan on father's side, so from both families ; ) I love to knit, crochet and embroider ; )
    Have a wonderful day.

  8. So lovely to spend time with you and your mother dear Fi! I love the doilies your mum made- thread crochet is where my crafteing genes lead me, being inherited from the grandmother I never got the chance to meet! I tried my hand at tatting too- and you are right about the needing patience thing. I would love for you to come visit me to see some of my creations.
    find me on facebook-
    or my website-

  9. Ha ha, you should have held on to the painting as a bargaining tool - you could have traded it for the blanket!

    It's lovely that you share your hobbies with your mum, it must be so nice to have someone on hand to ask for help! I'm the only knitter that I know of in my family!

  10. Hey Fi, what a lovely post.....your mum is a treasure trove of talent and skill.

    Her crochet work is amazing and that new blanket she's working on looks fantastic.......I'm sure it would look great in your home too!!

    I definitely inherited the crafting/sewing/making gene from my mum. My great Aunt taught me to knit when I was about 7 or 8. I made a little knitted egg cosy, no doubt it was very wonky!!
    My mum was often sewing, out of necessity more so than from a crafting angle. She would turn sheets, patch pants and make clothes for us when we were young. Nothing fancy, just practical things but she had a fabric stash in the cupboard and a great old button jar and I would often be searching for something to make clothes for dolls etc.
    Unfortunately, I also inherited the butterfly gene from her.......I flit from project to project and don't always complete them........arrrgh, it's enough to drive you crazy sometimes. As hard as I try to focus and finish things, I am often distracted by new ideas.....

    I don't have a daughter to pass my crafty skills or lack thereof onto but No1 son knows how to thread a needle and sew a button onto a shirt and therein ended the lesson, hehe....

    Claire :}

  11. hi fi,
    just wondering what other sister inherited the creative gene?


I love reading your comments. You made the sun shine brighter today.