Wednesday, April 10, 2019

Kitchen top homesteading

Dear Prudence,
Autumn is becoming well-established with sunny days, blue skies, but a hint of the cool that is to come in the air.

My vegetable growing has always been a bit hit and miss, as you know, so with the cooler weather coming I am back to the kitchen ‘farm’.
I want to make sure that we have a supply of greens and herbs as they are so nutritious. Not only do they brighter up the dinner plate, but they give the winter a kitchen a ray of sunshine.

I don’t know how well the strawberry plant will go in Urbipod (that white contraption with the light), but we shall see. Also in the Urbipod I’ve planted chives and basil.  I think it best to keep the slower growers in there and the quicker ones in the flat trays.
I have some radish, beets and broccoli in the flat trays.  In the blue ceramic pot is parsley, a great addition to many dishes.

I did manage to salvage a few of the lettuce seedlings I bought a few weeks ago at the Bowral markets, but didn’t get in the ground. They are now safely in the garden bed, along with some sweet pea seeds around the bean poles.

Also, after many years break, I am giving sourdough baking another go.  Today is day one of developing the starter, I’ll let you know how I go.  Who knows, you might even be the beneficiary of some home-baked bread!

Your (canine) sister is having her daily siesta, and it is time for lunch, so will sign off.


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