Friday, February 17, 2012

The Thing-a-my-bob aka Crazy Daisy Winder

Well, a few of you wanted to see what I would do with this thingamybob now that I know what it is!

My first attempts have been quite hilarious.

It seems that you make these daisy-like flowers, which look simple enough in themselves, BUT the possibilities of what you can do with them are endless.
I already have a few things in mind.

One of the main things is to crochet them together to make scarves, placemats, garments, anything really. 

Here are a few pics of me trying to work out how to make one.

Now, I am not going to go into too much details in words what I'm doing - because -

I am going to attempt doing a video clip!

I have to master the art of youtube videos for my other blog - The Vintage Folk Painter- so I am going to try it out on you lot first!!!

So, here is the pictorial version.

Ok, ok, I know thats not it.  But I'm still in blue-dresser-love-land.  What do you think of those little crochet doilies hanging over the edge?  I bought them on one of my nearly weekly trips to the vintagey/rustic/secondhand shop up at the Old Cheese Factory.  Only cost pennies. And when you think of the time and effort put into making them.......

Anyway, enough of that.

Necessary supplies:

Thread - check
Scissors - check
Thingamybob aka Crazy Daisy Winder - check
Darning needle - check
Cup of tea - check

If you hold the Crazy Daisy Winder in your hand and twist the knob - out pops the spokes.

You have to hold the thread in place with your thumb to start.

Then you start winding.

Now when I got to about here, I realised that this was going to be a very thin flower with one strand of that thread...... I started again, this time winding the crochet thread around each spoke 6 times.

After it is wound, you thread the darning needle and start on the centre.

The side that is facing you is actually the back of the flower.

 Centre finished.
Now can you spot my mistake?

I wound it WAY too tightly.
See how the spokes won't turn down anymore than that?  I had to actually cut this one off the winder.

Ok. Take 3.
This one is wound on a lot looser.

I chose a different colour for the centre.

And voila!  It is popping off the winder much easier. 

And there is the completed flower.
Quite simple, but it's my first - ; )

Stay tuned for the video version - once I work out the camera.



  1. Wow! Such a pretty thing out of such a deadly-looking item!

  2. My Mom had something similar to this when I was a child and made an entire afghan of daisies using it for my grandmother. She nearly lost her mind that Christmas. We still talk about it. It was beautiful when it was finished though and Grandma loved and cherished it the rest of her life. Have fun with yours.
    Moms used yarn.

  3. So sweet! And I love the doilies on the blue dresser!

  4. I would've said that little thingummybob was a weapon used by a Ninja, but obviously not unless it has a dual purpose, hehe....

    Love the little flower, gorgeous colours......might be handy for using up small amounts of leftover yarn too.

    I can tell you're going to have alot of fun with it Fi......

    Nice doilies on your dresser too....keep the pics coming it's so pretty.
    Is that a stack of English Country Living mags I spy there on the side?

    Jave a great weekend,

    Claire :}

  5. Hello Fi! My mother-in-law had one of those little flower looms years ago but hers was not make of metal. I am trying to remember what she called it, lol, I do believe it was called a "knit Wit" and she made an entire daisy afghan using it. I also remember her saying she was the knit wit for having bought it cause it took her forever to complete the project. Maybe a blanket/afghan was just too big a project and a shawl would have been more ideal. The flowers do come out delicate and they would be wonderful to use as embellishments on purses, pillows, hats and what ever one needs a dainty flower on. I love that dresser and love how you draped the doilies over the edge of the shelves. I have 2 shelves in my kitchen and did the same thing with doilies. It works well too with any cabinet that has see through glass on the doors where there are shelves inside. Now back to your little loom, I can't wait to see what you create with it so I will be keeping one eye open for your next post. Have a great weekend.
    (((HUGS))) Susanne :)

  6. Fi,

    When I saw your picture of that thingamabob I thought, I think I have one of those....somewhere. I get little bags of sewing stuff at garage sales (car boot sales in your territory) and I think I've seen one. Now that I know it's not a part to a teapot, when I come across it again I'll try making one of those flowers! They look fun. I love the blue cabinet too. Doilies....I find them at garage sales all the time, same with embroidery, and sometimes even quilts, and I always buy them up! Crazy people.

    Cindy Bee

  7. What an incredibly wonderful invention! Love how you have used it, too. The colors are simply marvelous together.

    Thank you for all the love and good advice over on my blog. I will be over to clean your fridge next.... haha! Wish we lived closer. Would be so fun to carry on like this in person hehe. Have a lovely day, my friend!

  8. I, too have at least one of those somewhere that I acquired in a pile of stuff. I think that I have a square one also! Thanks for the directions, might have to dig that out!


  9. I have one from my aunt who crocheted all the time. She made me a afghan and it was pretty and delicate.


I love reading your comments. You made the sun shine brighter today.