Friday, February 11, 2011

Around the house with Izzy

I've been very busy this week, as I have just enrolled at TAFE (not sure what it's called overseas - technical college, advanced education???)
I'm doing a Certificate 1V of Aromatherapy. (I already have a Diploma of Remedial Massage, so have a lot of course credits.)

My plan is to go on to do an Advanced Diploma of Aromatic Medicine.  I love herbs and essential oils, they are so good for so many health issues.

So I thought I would just share a few random images of roundabout the place.

This is my Rayburn woodburning stove.  I love it.  It's the best for making scones, baking/roasting meats, etc.  And for just general all round cosiness.

That's Nate in the photo when he was 3 - cuddling his Mr. Doobee.  Australians will know who I'm talking about if they are old enough to remember Romper Room.

And I love this image - it's not real clear as it's taken through a glass door. If I had thought, I would have opened the door first........

I thought I would sit down and do a bit on the ripple, but.....

Izzy didn't like that idea.

And she made it painfully clear that she didn't.
Mummy!!!!!!   Look at me!!!!!!! Me!!!!

I am going to spread myself out on as much of you as I possibly can mummy - so don't even bother trying to find that crochet hook.
Now, play with me.

Cindy - this one's for you - see Miss Marple on the laptop?
Also please note the fashion statement of the year - pyjamas underneath an apron.

These are some of my Sarah London appeal squares.

So, when you're crocheting in your pyjamas, you obviously need to get out the Royal Albert China.

....... those muffins are the HEALTHY variety......



  1. Love your rainbow squares. And I love to crochet in pajamas!

  2. Hello! You have such a beautiful home Fi and Izzy is adorable. ax

  3. Fi! I'm with ya girlfriend! We're having tea right now...together...on your beautiful china...chatting away about how our dogs are always on our projects, the extreme opposite temps we've been having, Miss Marple, exhanging scone recipes....And you say...."Oh Cindy, I've decided to give you my flower granny blanket since you love it so much!" I say, "what? oh no you can' musn't..." But you I take it back home with me and snuggle up, thinking about my visit with Fi, Royal Albert China, tea, aprons over pj's, and the next Miss Marple mystery to solve!

    Cindy Bee

    PS - I love the colors you are using on your blankets. Beautiful!

  4. Your home looks absolutely lovey! And your dog, Issy is very sweet. I had a Labrador, she was the best dog and exactly the same. When she wanted attention, she wouldn't give up. If I didn't give her what she needed, she would go do something naughty. Silly dog. Thanks for sharing your home and life!

  5. Love, love, love your Rayburn. I have always loved the older style ovens. Never used one but so love the look and concept.
    I completed a Therapeutic and then Remedial Massage course many, many years ago.
    Aromatherapy and herbs have always been an interest of mine.
    Lots of luck with your studies.

  6. BTW - That stove is awesome. I love it. And that picture of side view picture of Izzy witht he ripple afghan in her mouth...priceless.

    Cindy Bee

  7. Sweet peeks of your home...cosy, comfy and lovely. Always a joy to have 'virtual' tea with you. Pajamas and pup while crocheting is my idea of a great time. Have a lovely week :-)

  8. Cindy - you are TOO funny....... Fi's flower granny indeed!

    Oooh, it could be a new Miss Marple mystery - the case of the missing granny!!


  9. LOL! It could be a new Miss Marple. But I'd probably be the main suspect! I'm going to have to divert attention away from me somehow....if only I knew how to delete the incriminating comments I made!

    Hey, I got online for one of those Rayburn stoves and I saw where they have just regular old woodburning stoves, and I showed it to my husband. We're thinking of putting a little woodburning stove in our new kitchen to cozy it up!

    Cindy Bee

  10. Thats great about the woodburning stove Cindy!

    There is nothing quite like it for adding coziness. I dont have ours on a lot, esp in summer, as we havent been home all the time to look after the fire, but when I do use it, there's nothing can touch it.


  11. Congrats on going back to school. What an interesting course that will be, too!

    You have such a lovely home. So glad I got to stop by today!

    All the best!


I love reading your comments. You made the sun shine brighter today.