You know, I have heard so many people saying lately that the will be glad to see the back of 2010 - that it had been a hard year for them, and, to be honest, I feel a bit like that myself for various reasons.
As I say goodbye to 2010, for me, I am also saying goodbye to another decade.
I will be turning 50 next week, and I feel that a new era is approaching.
The decade that has just been has been, very probably, the hardest of my life, not one that I ever want to repeat.
So its - Goodbye 40's, hello 50's!
And so, it is in this light that I share with you the day that ended the year that ended the decade that was.
The Beginning
We took a stroll down to the local cafe for some downtime. For me and the lovely Miss P, this meant crochet, and photo taking for blogs (what else?). For the non-female of the family, this meant reading a Tom Clancy novel.
My beloved started off his self-professed weight loss programme with this cute little number.
From the cafe, we took a stroll down the main street.
We are FINALLY getting a summer day after what has been unseasonly cold weather for this time of year in Australia.
And then I stopped to smell the roses in front of the local tractor shop (it's a farming community).
And along by the old post office, someone was drying off their chairs...
Nice red on the 50k sign - good reminder to drive safely tonight, if you are off out anywhere.
And then on past the community hall
The Pizza Shop
and the old Church
Which brought me to here, where I bought what I needed for the afternoon's project, which, of course, I will tell you all about in the next post, "And so it ends - the middle".
Back in a few hours,
Wow, you live in a really pretty town!