Saturday, November 3, 2012

For Cindy Bee....

Gosh, Cindy, it really must have been a while, I very nearly forgot my login password!!!!!

Since I took on the Night of Christmas Hope project, (we are raising money for HIV/AIDS orphanage in Thailand this year), teaching the women in my church how to make paper bead jewellery to sell on the night, etc. life has been a bit of a squeeze.


Although I must say that I have determined to not get as stressed this year as last year.

What is done is done, and what isn't done - well, isn't.

But, having said that, in the continual search to reclaim a modicum of health, I have just started my family on a 30 day raw food programme. 

We definitely do not intend to go vegan, or even vegetarian, but I feel we will benefit enormously from this 'clean out'.

I am now spending soo much time in the kitchen, getting my head around the whole thing.
I've got the dehydrator back out, and have two batches of flax crackers (different varieties) on the go as we speak.

I've got seeds sprouting all over the kitchen - gosh! am I running out of space!!
There is also a couple of trays of wheatgrass sprouting near the window.

The cupboard is now well-stocked with all the pantry items like nuts, seeds, spices, dried fruits, etc, I buy them bulk and have them delivered.

We've joined the juices and green smoothie brigade - now there is something to throw your body straight into a detox!

I've spent too long lately feeling awful and not sleeping half the night, no energy etc. that I had to take desperate measures. 
So far, I must say, the food has been very tasty.  Lots of variety.

Oh, and the other thing I have squeezed in this year, is that I took a small space in a shop at the Old Robertson Cheese Factory.  It is only $20 for rent, and someone else mans the shop - I don't even have to be there! 

I have sold quite a few of these crochet flower brooches.

Also some jewellery items I've made and handmade soap.  The lavender and patchouli have been very popular.
I must pop over to your blog now and see what you've been up to.