I did the best thing I know to whet the appetite - a frolick through the pages of my folk painting books, collected over many years. Although I have quite a few of these books, there used to be many more, but I ruthlessly culled through them some time ago, only keeping the ones that were my favourites. One day I'll do a post and show you the ones I kept.
Of course, most of these are by my favourite folk painter, Jo Sonja Jansen.
Anyway, this is the book I picked to doodle out of - the 'Painted Tin' book.
I like the naive-ish/rusticky (don't you just love making up words!) style of these tin pieces, so I played around with some of the ideas to put on mini canvases.
Can you see the red jug on the top left?
I used that piece to paint this one first.
It made me so happy to just sit and paint and create this little birdy.
There hasn't been a lot of time lately to do things like this.
I am now the carer for my sick mother, who we have just moved from Victoria to NSW to be near us. That was 3 days after Christmas. We had my sister's wedding with lots of visitors before that, etc. etc. etc.
So, to just sit and doodle with a brush, was, to say the least, refreshing.
I know I managed to crochet my afri-bag, but crochet is different. You can just sit down at night and do it without much thinking. Painting is different. My husband doesn't appreciate paint splatters on the sofa.....
Anyway, after doing the first one, I decided to paint two more, but different.
A pale background, with the bird facing the other way and a few other little changes.
And a purple one, which looked like this half-way through -
And progressed to this -
And finally this -
Here are my 3 little birds in a row.