When I was a young school girl in Scotland, many moons ago, my best friend and I used to dream of moving to a flat in London, having curly shoulder length hair, and wearing Laura Ashley dresses.
We moved to Australia when I was 15 and the Laura Ashley dresses never did eventuate (although I did get a Laura Ashley jacket when it was on sale).
So, naturally, I was thrilled, enchanted, delighted and excited when I received this gift from sister number 4 -
My very own Laura Ashley wellies!!!
Here they are sitting in my herb garden.
Don't they just look adorable?
While we are in a red mood, (the weather is exceptionally hot here today, too hot to be outside in my garden, where I would really like to be, or even too hot for a craft project) I thought I would show you some granny squares that I am planning to send to Sarah London's flood appeal blanket thingy.
The colours make me think of chillies.
And my favourite kitchen appliance, my kitchenaid mixer, is hot.
And now for the too darn cheeky -
While I was out photographing my wellies in the herb garden, look who I ran into.
No, they are not my hens.
They are the marauding strawberry thieves from next door.
They seem to prefer my garden to their own home these days - and they lie in wait for me to lift the net off the strawberry patch, and, quick as a wink, there in!
And do you think they care when I try to shoo them off....... no way. (You can sort of tell that from the 'talk to the backside 'cos the face ain't listening' type of stance.....)
To add insult to injury, this is what I found as I left the herb garden -
Pardon me while I dig holes in your garden and have myself a dust bath - after all, what's a girl to do when it's too darn hot!
Not to be outdone, her girlfriend was digging her hole under the table.
Im off to look up chicken pie recipes ....